
Occasionally I receive an email that is so moving that I think it is worth sharing. I share it with you to give hope and understanding to those of you on a healing journey.

Victory – I don’t believe I can communicate properly at this moment, what your writing, encompassed with some music from No Doubt and some issues that I was already dealing with has created for me. I presume the Universe was listening to me and knew I get messages more quickly with as many senses as possible involved. Anyway, Thank You! Alcoholic rages…….My folks, then just my dad…then triplets due at 18, without a partner……(couldn’t give them up, they would separate them)…..married their father…………life with two kids…….(one was stillborn)………welfare…………(one was CP)…………etc/etc/etc/…………….The Armor? It goes back and back and back………… Lifeless image or pain? Both……………….. My Heart is Opening………..but you are right again……….it is taking many times.

Greg – I know I sent an email to you a year or so ago thanking you for your article on resistance….Today, I want to thank you again and this time for the piece on the Ego. . . Great work . . . . Used it right away . . It worked immediately to help me in doing a piece of remote healing work for a client. . . So that I became much more open and receptive to his experience (past life regression) . . I became aware that I had hardly any intrusions of my own critical mind function and was easily more able to sink into the his state of being in the remote regression. Thank you, Jean!

Vicky – Thank you for that lovely story on opening your heart. It was a wonderful reminder for me at a time when I just wanted everything to close up and go away. Blessings to you.

Rahel – Thank you for exposing your wonderful heart. I could see/feel the golden green glowing shine that touched mine. In my inner seeing the heart explodes into million of torn pieces and scatters into places deserted from love.

Laura – Your article certainly touched a nerve. I’ve had the same condition with my daughter; she was kidnapped by her father and I did not see her for 25 years, and when I did, the relationship lasted only 3 years; we were very incompatible. Yet my heart still hurts, she has 3 boys that I love. My childhood was brutal, constant violence, pain and ignorance, and I’ve put the memory away somewhere; my heart and body feel cold as a general rule, but upon an effort in meditating, something comes through; it’s my thought that perhaps I cut it off. Every time something has happened “good” to me in my life, including compliments, etc., I literally tune out what they say even though I am panting to hear it and remember it. Sometimes I hear it and forget immediately, beyond recovery. Anyway, thanks for the wonderful article; my heart “knows” but doesn’t know how it knows, and it constantly forgets.

Silvana – Thank you for your beautiful description of heart pain. I could feel your heartache and cried along while reading your story and by doing this my own heart opened a little more. Thank you for offering this opportunity to other people. God Bless you and Love and Light to you.

Val – I’ve followed your readings on spiritweb for a time now and very much like the way you say and write your thoughts. This last article brought tears to my eyes but the truth rang clear. I am very sensitive and have shielded my heart many times so as not to feel pain. I have also learned from NDE that unconditional love is pure but being in the physical I sometimes forget the powerful impact of my NDE and how at the time it happened,it turned my life around. Higher self showed me in the last couple of days that it is always present to help when I ask as I did the night before. Usually I don’t but when something is bothering me I turn to Higher Self, guides, and the Source for help. I do also thank them every day for all that is in my life as being in the physical is for myself a gift.

Elizabeth – Hello, thank you for your timely article. I too am going to an energy healer and am trying to heal my heart. Thank you for the insight into the time that it will take. I believe I am putting my life on hold while I am healing my heart, but as you so wisely pointed out this may take a little longer than I had expected. I guess that is good to know and I may need to adjust my plans. Thanks again.

Kay – Dear Jean, Hi, How are you. I have wonderful news. I am really feeling so at peace with myself since the last session. Gone are mornings waking up with a sinking feeling in my heart and for the first time in my life I am able to put myself apart from the negative thought patterns that drowned me for 16 years of my life. I am feeling a kick start mechanism working within me that forms some sort of a shielding belt around my being even before these negative thoughts surfaces. You know how that makes me feel? Like breathing in fresh air into full lungs when i was gasping air for so many years. My emotional state has been so even that I am beginning to see everything and everyone in a refreshing positive way. That gnawing pit that I used to feel at my solar plexus each time i go emotional seem to be sealed up. I’m feeling , is this really ME?? The REAL me. The past fours days revealed many more surprises. I’m having beautiful dreams where I see beautiful sceneries in vividly vibrant colors. And I see a lot of monks in maroon robes, the same ones I saw during the first session you guided me through. I hear beautiful music, I see temples and divine statues. No more dreams of falling down pits or hanging on to ledges and all those nightmares where I felt so miserable and helpless. No more demonic faces when i close my eyes. Wonderful coincidences are taking place when I think of something, the next moment either someone is saying it, or it’s on T.V. Only yesterday evening at around 7 p.m. I felt a physical tugging feeling at my heart area and suddenly I thought of my mother and felt that she wanted to visit me. I called her and she said she was just about to call me because she was planning a trip down to see me. And 3 out of 5 times when the phone rings I can feel who it is. Oh Jean, my Higher Self is opening up within me with ur guidance and light. But I never dreamt of the extra special things happening to me. I think there was a reason why I put myself through such pain for so many years. Very soon, I will know why. I only want to look forward from now on. My life is going to take on a dynamic perspective, I KNOW, I can FEEL it. I am not able to express how much I appreciate your love and light in healing me. One day when I meet you personally, which I KNOW I WIll, you must allow me to seek your blessings. My Higher Self has guided me to you, I know that now. I am just holding my breath till Monday. Till then, I pray that many more tortured souls will be guided to you and the message of love and light will spread throughout this universe. Love, K.

Kathy – I’ve just read your article, (I’m in Australia) one of the best I’ve come across in it’s simplicity of terms for people who are not aware of why they have manifested illnesses. I’m a Reiki master but my husband is a doctor junkie. He let me do a healing on him once but because it didn’t “fix” him he now thinks it’s a load of rubbish. I know what it’s like to struggle with issues of self-doubt, and am only just coming to terms with it. Maybe he will read this article I hope so, as he’s finally come to the point where he’s realized the harm the medication is doing. This article also throws a new light on why he’s so accident prone. I’m certainly going to keep a closer eye on myself during the day to see where I am. Being grounded isn’t one of my best qualities, but I don’t like wake up calls either so I’m going to make a big effort to keep checking in with myself. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

Marie – I would like to say how wonderful I think your work/article is and is something that can only come from a true understanding through personal experience. Your work is very empowering to an individual – supporting the process with a very real understanding that we need not have to look outside ourselves but look to our inner teacher/healer/guide/love….. I have also found this in my life – surrender is the key & does not come from the mind. We truly are given all that we need!! I honour the wonderful teacher that you are!

Donna – I agree with you completely. Especially about the fear of being vulnerable. I recently did a visualization, seeing myself at a normal person’s weight. I carry more than double what my body was designed for. When I saw myself without the weight I realized how vulnerable and defenseless I was. I was very frightening and at that moment I realized that even when I am ready to release my excess weight I have a lot more work to do than just counting calories, carbs, units, or whatever. I have to find a way to feel safe. My body and my mind have teamed up to protect me from unwanted sexual aggression/notice in a way that is very effective. A friend of mine who is a hypno-therapist did a survey of his clients and found that 90 to 95% of his overweight clients were victims of sexual abuse. Now the mission is to free myself from the “cure” and be healthy, happy, and to feel safe. Thanks for the information.

Marumba – Beloved friend, You probably get several hundred mails a day, so I’ll keep it short. I loved this article. It resonated so deeply, and there is not much more to say to the subject of surrendering. So simple it is, when we realize that we are fighting our selves, and that there is no way of winning this fight. As I see it, it is like we are in the “ring” with our ego/mindset, and the only way of winning is to throw in the towel and be an example to the Ego. I have simple sat down, gone into meditation, and taught my Ego the new rules that I wanted to live by. Educating the part of me that doesn’t know, and slowly the mind will see, maybe not understand, but still, see and experience that we can trust the new rules. The rules of the heart if we may. I realized something important. According to making my mindset/ego trust in this new way of life, I had to realize, that belief is something I choose, trust is something that comes with experience. So I taught my ego to just close his eyes and follow me. Just believe in me, little ego. LOL And after several strong experiences, my ego started trusting me. From there……well, all it is is to surrender fully to, not to fight. It will hurt sometimes, but including the negative energies of resistance is just adding another problem, or layer of fear. A good friend of mine, said that it was just like having rubber band attached on the back, and in the other end attached to the fear. The more we resist, and tries to get away, the more tired we get, and the sicker we get. In the end, the rubber band will pull you right back to the fear, and all you have accomplished is sitting, tired and weak, with the same amount of fear to deal with. I believe that the surrendering is to allow the fear to be embraced, to face it, and deal with it when we can. The rubber band is fighting our High self, and as soon as we say all right, lets go on with the divine plan, instead of the personal ego plan, this rubber band will snap, and the freedom is immense. Anyway, I meant to keep this short, and I could go on with examples and experience forever, but I will let you go, and say thank you so much for the reminder of the surrendering. It was very important for me at this very moment in my life, THANK YOU!!!! “I am the lion who came as a lamb and the lamb who roared as a lion. I am the living paradox of love unleased upon the Earth…a force to end its duality. And you are my Beloved.”

Paul – “I read your article on Resistance on the site and was very impressed. In my own spiritual transformation I became very well acquainted with my own strategies for resisting what I didn’t want to look at and I now find myself trying to coach my brother (gently) through his own personal transformation.”

Gary – “Thank you writing that wonderful chapter on resistance in your book “Handbook on transpersonal Hypnotherapy”. I read your chapter on the Spiritweb web site. I have been very interested in the power of the mind and spirit and how each one of us has incredible abilities to create a heaven on earth for ourselves and others.”

Dimpi – “I just wanted to thank you for the great work. I am trying to heal myself and often visit the SpiritWeb when I feel I can’t go on. I love your articles, they are so compassionate, and simple to understand. It is very uplifting to read your articles, I often cry as I read them. They make me full of hope. Thank you. I hope there’s more to come.”

Mark – “I just want to tell you how valuable your chapter on spiritual resistance is to me. I am trying to connect with my Higher Self to find what my life’s work is and have not been too successful. I know I have fears on once I find out then I have to do it. I look forward in reading your entire book.”

Virginia – “Thank you so much for your article on line. I awoke mysteriously at 3:00 a.m. this morning and turned on my computer. It is now a little after 4:00 a.m. and I am going to ask my Higher Self to get started on my own resistance. Thank you Jean and God bless you!”

Layla – “I read your article on spiritual barriers on a web site. I wish to thank you very deeply from my heart, this really helped me. I have been asking for help from higher sources (god) call it what you will and then miraculously someone sent me this site with your article on it 🙂 God Bless much love and sparkles to you.”

Henry – “My friend had sent me your article on resistance and I was very moved by what you had to say about people not facing their resistance to move on and have what they want in their lives. I am currently teaching a class on intuition, healing, and time and found your article very useful. Again,
thanks for writing a great article.”

Isabel – “Hello, I liked very much your article posted by Spiritweb, I’m sure resistance is really the great challenge for the human race. I’m not a professional therapist, but for years people around come to ask for help and I do my best, not so badly because they insist. I’d like very much to learn a little more about these experiences you mentioned, not to say about receiving help myself. As this is not so easy, could you tell me if your book is available by now? I can’t find any reference in the web. Thank you and best wishes.”

Dina – “Congratulations on writing such a wonderful book! I hope it is complete by now so that every one could enjoy your crystal-clear explanation of growth, resistance, and healing. If it is already complete, then please send me a note of how to order it.”

Marcia – “I recently read your article “Spiritual Resistance” on the Spirit Web and was very impressed with your wisdom and technique in Hypnotherapy. I have been unable to find additional material that you have written, are you published? I am very interested in acquiring your “Handbook on Transpersonal Hypnotherapy” but mainly the text that you wrote from for Spirit Web. I myself am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and also a practitioner of “Alternative Healing” methods, I work from a very spiritual foundation. I would be grateful for any information regarding the purchase of your texts.”

Kevin – “I just read your articles on hynotherapy and spiritual resistance. They are both excellent. My wife and I are both going through a great learning and growing process and we could really use your help and advice. Well I hope you have a great day and thanks again for the wonderful articles!!”

Steve – “I just read your article on Spiritual Resistance – The Invisible Barrier on the SpiritWeb, which I stumbled upon by accident! I have been the host of a metaphysical talk radio show and if I still had it I would definitely want to interview you on this topic. It was essential and I believe anyone could benefit from reading it and also by undergoing the type of therapy you suggest.

Sophie – “Your article on “resistance” published on the Spirit web site is wonderful. I am so glad I got the chance to read it. I feel very attracted to your work. With gratitude and admiration for your work.”

Namaste – “I’m 51 years old, mother of three, twice divorced and I live in Florida (USA). I’ve changed my career from a Legal Assistant to Psychospiritual Integration and Integrative Breathwork. I graduated May 6th from a two year study with Eupsychia Institute founded by Jacquelyn Small (author of many books in the US) and am finding resistance big time with myself both mentally and physically. I am also very interested in purchasing your books; also do you plan to come to the US any time soon. Also, how and where can I learn more.”

Robbie – “I want you to know how much your sample chapter of the book helped me. I have over the last two years created traumas of surgery, poverty, poor family relations and all sorts of things to avoid my feelings about going forward with a career in music. Thank you. “

Robert – “I enjoyed your article “Spiritual Resistance” on the spiritweb website. This is the second time you (or more specifically your ideas and writings) have come into my life at the a time of wonderment or need. Thank you for your time, but mostly for your messages and enlightenment.”

Louise – “I read your chapter from your upcoming book on resistance, already I have given the web site address to many friends. When I read it I truly wanted to call and say “Thank You” because as always my lessons seem to come at the perfect time even if I try to resist them. When will the book be out???? There are quite a few of us that eagerly await its’ arrival in Canada.”

Jeani – “I have just read your piece on resistance, the thought, resistance is useless comes to mind as part of a well known phrase. I know this so well, and reading it today has been very confirming about the myriad of ways the ego can set up resistance.”

Matthew – ” I have read a couple of your articles and wanted to say I am enlightened by your different approach. I would like to seek counseling for issues of my own which I am coming to terms with and was wondering, is there anyone who practices this approach in the Oregon area that you are aware of? I greatly appreciate anything you can help me with. Thanks Again!”

Rhinda – “I just finished reading your article in SpiritWeb and was very impressed with the information that you supplied about Resistance. Thank you for writing this and sharing your experience. I look forward to reading your complete book.

Robert – “I just finished reading the sample chapter of your book. I must say I loved it….and hated it. It spoke to me. It also scared the heck out of me. I am a master at resistance and distraction to avoid dealing with my self. What I got out of this material is to ask my Higher Self to remove my resistance. Now if I could just get the courage to ask that. Oh well, I look forward to reading your book. When is it due out? Thanks again.”

Ingo – “Today I saw your article on the side. I was inspired about your work with the direct approach with higher self. It looks to me that this is really the way of healing in this time, that each one communicates directly with the higher self. Thank you very much.”

Susan – “Excellent stuff! Personal growth, as effected through one’s inspired insights in working through and with one’s Higher Self – best way to go about it. No chance then of becoming some other person’s or discarnate entity’s tool or victim. Looking forward to your book. Good luck, and write some more on Spiritweb.”